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Soybean Oil

Soybean Oil
In oil engineering, soybeans are used as raw materials to obtain leaching crude soybean oil through pre-treatment and leaching processes, and high-temperature soybean meal, low-temperature soybean meal, high-temperature animal feed soybean meal are obtained according to different pre-treatment and leaching processes.

Soybean Protein
Low-temperature soybean meal can also be used as a raw material for protein isolate and protein concentrate. In addition, the final soybean oil is refined and put on the market. According to the different processes required by customers, our company provides different processes and equipment.
Soybean pre-treatment technology process
1, High temperature soybean meal process
soybean→ Measuring→ iron removal→ cleaning→ Stone removal→ Classification→ Tempering→ peeling→soften (heating soybean temperature from 50 to 70℃) → crushing→ flaking (thickness is 0.25 to 0.30mm)→ drying→ solvent extraction.
2, Low temperature soybean meal process
soybean→ elevator→ soybean storage tank→ measuring→ soybean storage tank→ elevator→ magnetic separator→ vibrating screen→ stone removal→ soybean classification→ scraper→elevator→ soybean low-denaturation drying tower→ elevator→ fluidized bed rapid drying (Low-temperature air-flow dryer makes soy protein invariant)→ elevator→ peeling→ separator→ elevator→ soften(heating soybean temperature from 50 to 70℃) → elevator→ soybean kernel selection sieve→crush→ conveyor→ flaking(thickness is 0.25 to 0.30mm)→ scraper→ Air drying conveyor→ scraper→ solvent extraction.
Soybean meal solvent extraction process
Low temperature soybean meal flowing process
Protein concentrate process
soybean→ Measuring→ iron removal→ cleaning→ Stone removal→ Classification→ Tempering→ peeling→soften (heating soybean temperature from 50 to 70℃) → crushing→ flaking (thickness is 0.25 to 0.30mm)→ drying→ solvent extraction.
2, Low temperature soybean meal process
soybean→ elevator→ soybean storage tank→ measuring→ soybean storage tank→ elevator→ magnetic separator→ vibrating screen→ stone removal→ soybean classification→ scraper→elevator→ soybean low-denaturation drying tower→ elevator→ fluidized bed rapid drying (Low-temperature air-flow dryer makes soy protein invariant)→ elevator→ peeling→ separator→ elevator→ soften(heating soybean temperature from 50 to 70℃) → elevator→ soybean kernel selection sieve→crush→ conveyor→ flaking(thickness is 0.25 to 0.30mm)→ scraper→ Air drying conveyor→ scraper→ solvent extraction.
Soybean meal solvent extraction process
Low temperature soybean meal flowing process
Protein concentrate process
Processing technology of peanut
The pre-pressing workshop of soybean oil adopts two different processed to obtain two different oil cake, which can be used for high-temperature soybean meal solvent extraction process and low temperature soybean meal solvent extraction process depend on customer requirement.
Adding PLC system to prevent solvent leakage, feeding averagely and filter meal foam, easy operation and safer. Negative pressure evaporation system is used, which can save condenser area and improve oil quality, etc.
The protein content of soybean protein isolate finished product is ≥90%(dry base), the protein content of soy protein concentrate is ≥65% (dry base).
Welcome To Visit The Factory!
Zhengzhou Dingsheng Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. has been established for more than 20 years. We are committed to research and development in the field of oil treatment, produces various types of oilseeds pretreatment, oil extraction and oil refining complete sets of equipment, and strives to improve the quality of the equipment and after-sales service. Professional technical team can offer the oil refining process solution for you. Welcome to visit our factory!
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